3E Generate On Request

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3E Company is the industry’s most trusted independent resource for authoring accurate MSDSs / SDSs and regulatory documentation.  For situations involving 20 products or less, manufacturers may qualify for a standard service option that provides effective, compliant documents via an easy-to-use automated request system.

How it works

A brief discussion with a 3E sales representative will quickly and easily determine what level of service is required.  If a project falls within the range for our Authoring On Request Service, it follows a simple process:

  • Manufacturer receives an email invitation to register for the service online
  • Upon successful registration and acceptance of terms and conditions, the manufacturer receives access to an online form requesting additional details about the project, such as:
    • Product name
    • Intended use
    • Packing weight and dimensions
    • Contact details
    • Other jurisdictional and language requirements
    • Compositional information
    • Key physical and chemical property data
  • 3E’s team of authors fulfills the request and finalizes the MSDSs / SDSs
  • Manufacturer receives email notification of fulfillment, including a link to download the document deliverables

A unique approach

The 3E Authoring On Request Service has been designed especially with the unique requirements for smaller projects in mind. Typically, companies with these types of authoring requirements have limited options.  The 3E Authoring On Request Service is a viable solution that will enable your organization to enjoy the benefits of outsourcing the entire process in an efficient manner. And, 3E is well-suited to expand as your compliance needs grow, providing an easy migration path to your future needs.

Learn more about this service and find out if you are eligible.

Learn more about other SDS Authoring capabilities.
